
You can use the Acknowledgment function to notify specific users who are to be notified of a new object version. The acknowledgers are prompted to acknowledge the version as soon as it has been released. Once a new object version is released, Aeneis informs the acknowledgers that they can now execute the acknowledgment. These users can then confirm in the Portal that they have acknowledged the changes in the object version.

Note: In order to be able to confirm acknowledgments in Aeneis, the user must be a member of the license group Release workflow (extended). See also Functional groups and license groups.

In the standard release workflow, the users who should acknowledge a released object version can be assigned in the following transition dialogs:

One or more users can be assigned in the optional acknowledgment field:

In the My tasks area, evaluation is performed for the user by default:

  • What objects he/she still needs to acknowledge. The objects are listed in the Current tasks.

  • What objects he/she has already acknowledged. The objects are listed in the Task tracking.

See also: How to evaluate the acknowledgment via users is described in chapter Evaluate acknowledgment via user.

In the object context itself the following can be evaluated on the basis of the version:

  • Those who still need acknowledge the object version

  • Who has already acknowledged the object version

See also: How to evaluate the acknowledgment via the object version is described in Evaluate acknowledgment via object version.